1-15 Stakeholder Survey

Trinity House Notice to Mariners, 21/01/2015


No.1 of 2015 (All Regions)


Stakeholder Survey


Thank you to all of you who have already taken the opportunity to provide your views on the Trinity House Stakeholder Survey advertised in Notice to Mariners No.35/2014 and No36/2014.

If you’ve already completed your survey, please disregard this email.

If you haven’t yet had a chance to complete the survey, you still have time. We’ve included the original invitation below so you can easily access the survey.

Trinity House has been successfully serving mariners for 500 years. The safety of shipping and the well-being of seafarers are the prime concerns of our organisation.

Our Mission is:

‘To deliver a reliable, efficient and cost-effective Aids to Navigation service for the benefit and safety of all mariners’

The Values of Trinity House are embedded within this Mission and everything we do is driven by our Values:

Trust – we trust each other and are trusted by others

Flexibility – we look at what’s needed and we embrace change

Teamwork – we support each other to succeed

Pride – we take pride in what we do and what we strive to achieve in our organisation

Creativity – we encourage innovation and creativity

Fairness – we treat everyone fairly and celebrate achievement

Our Vision is to be a trusted world class organisation and regarded as such by all stakeholders. We value your opinions and feedback on the service we provide and treat them with great importance. We invite you to complete this short survey to help us understand how well you feel Trinity House delivers its services to you and how connected you feel to the organisation.

Please click on the link below to access the survey:
