1830 Monday 21 November at Trinity House

As leaders across the maritime sector, what can we practicably do today, and what do we need to do to accelerate progress toward Net Zero?

Guest speaker: Mr Michael Parker, Chairman of Citi’s Global Shipping, Logistics and Offshore business

The Maritime Leaders Forum is a new and exciting collaboration between Trinity House and Maritime UK

Follow this link to register for the first forum

The Forum will blend Trinity House’s wide industry expertise and history with Maritime UK’s reach and capacity to drive change in the maritime sector.

The programme of fora will bring together authoritative speakers and industry leaders to discuss key industry issues and ambitions with each event being held at Trinity House. Each will consist of a topical keynote speech to provoke constructive and entertaining debate, followed by a networking reception kindly hosted by Trinity House.

We plan to hold four events in the first year and look forward to feedback from maritime leaders who attend.

As leaders, we face shared challenges, right across the maritime sector. Trinity House and Maritime UK have recognised the need to bring leaders together to discuss their approach to shared challenges, share practicable actions and discuss future priorities for action from both government and industry.

We want the forum to be a catalyst and develop a life outside the formal events. Specific recommendations will be taken forward in the context of Maritime UK’s policy, programme and advocacy work.

The first session

The inaugural meeting will see our guest speaker, Michael Parker, a key figure in the global maritime sphere and a respected authority on the Poseidon Principles, set the global and national context for decarbonisation.

Michael will start the meeting delivering an overview of the 2050 Maritime Strategy, leading on to a review of the lead up to COP26 and this year’s COP27.

Michael will outline the significance of the Clydebank Declaration and the other commitments made before and in Glasgow, the global context and how the private sector and finance is leading the pace and will push the IMO to accelerate its efforts; did COP27 move the agenda forward or have we stalled in the face of the need for energy security, the economic and financial downturn and global politics?

The forum will hear from representative leaders from Maritime UK’s trade associations and be asked to consider what the sector needs to see in the government’s refreshed Clean Maritime Plan, due to be published in September 2023.

Joining Citibank N.A. in London in September 1977, Michael Parker was appointed Chairman of Citi’s Global Shipping, Logistics and Offshore business in 2019. In a wide portfolio of maritime and maritime environmental interests, he is on the Board of The Global Maritime Forum and Chairman of the Poseidon Principles and is on the LISW 2023 Advisory Board.

The event will be at Trinity House, doors open at 1800 and the talk and discussion will begin at 1830, to be followed by the networking reception, finishing at 2030.

There is no charge for attending, please register by following this link. There will be a collection for the Trinity House charities during the evening.

Join us for the first event, the scene setter and be part of an exciting development for the maritime community.