Trinity House typically deploys two classes of buoy design; the larger Type 1 buoys are over 15 metres high including the tail tube and weigh over 10 tons. They are fitted with a tail tube to help stabilise the buoy in the water and are held on the seabed by cast iron sinkers weighing 3-5 tons.

Buoys can be either lighted or unlighted and many are installed with a fog signal in the form of either bells or automatic whistles.

We maintain and inspect over 10,000 buoys per year around the coast of the UK

Inspecting a buoy aboard THV Patricia

Trinity House maintains around 450 buoys and inspects local aids to navigation maintained by port and harbour authorities, utility companies and oil/gas rig and wind farm operators, totalling around 11,000 aids to navigation.

Watch the video below to see how we operate and maintain buoys as part of our mix of aids to navigation.