2/2017 Wreck "Fluvius Tamar"

Trinity House Notice to Mariners, 17/01/2017

Latitude 51º 40.214’N., Longitude 002º 13.545’E

The wreck has a Temporary Exclusion Zone (TEZ) of 250 metres radius of the above position imposed by SOSREP.

The wreck, which lies sunk in the position defined above, has been temporarily marked by means of four emergency wreck marking lighted buoys, as follows:-

1. Position : North East of the wreck in position Latitude 51° 40.289’N., Longitude 002° 13.632’E.

Characteristics : Pillar: Blue & Yellow Vertical Stripes: Yellow Upright Cross Topmark: Alternating blue and yellow flashing light, where the blue and yellow 1 second flashes are alternated with an interval of 0.5 seconds:

Racon as follows:-

Type : Agile Frequency
Code : Morse ‘D’
Nominal Range : 10 miles
Frequency : X band 9320 MHz to 9500 MHz
:S band 2920 MHz to 3100 MHz

Display Period : On 20 seconds.

: Off 40 seconds.
Total 60 seconds.


The word WRECK will be exhibited Black on Yellow.

2. Position : South East of the wreck in position Latitude 51° 40.174’N., Longitude 002° 13.641’E.

Characteristics : Pillar: Blue & Yellow Vertical Stripes: Yellow Upright Cross Topmark: Alternating blue and yellow flashing light, where the blue and yellow 1 second flashes are alternated with an interval of 0.5 seconds.

The word WRECK will be exhibited Black on Yellow.

3. Position : North West of the wreck in position Latitude 51° 40.283’N., Longitude 002° 13.449’E.

Characteristics : Pillar: Blue & Yellow Vertical Stripes: Yellow Upright Cross Topmark: Alternating blue and yellow flashing light, where the blue and yellow 1 second flashes are alternated with an interval of 0.5 seconds.

The word WRECK will be exhibited Black on Yellow.

4. Position : South West of the wreck in position Latitude 51° 40.168’N., Longitude 002° 13.458’E.

Characteristics : Pillar: Blue & Yellow Vertical Stripes: Yellow Upright CrossTopmark: Alternating blue and yellow flashing light, where the blue and yellow 1 second flashes are alternated with an interval of 0.5 seconds.

The word WRECK will be exhibited Black on Yellow.

Mariners are advised to give the wreck and buoys by which it is marked a wide berth.

By Order,

Captain R.H. Barker,
Director of Navigational Requirements.
Trinity House,
London. EC3N 4DH.
17th January, 2017