2/2019 Aids to Navigation Review

Trinity House Notice to Mariners, 15/01/2019


The General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) will be undertaking a review of Aids to Navigation provision around the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland during 2019. The Review will be published in 2020 and will inform the GLAs’ work plans for the following five year period.

The GLAs currently provide a comprehensive network of Aids to Navigation for general navigation i.e. navigation outside harbour authority areas, commensurate with the degree of risk and volume of traffic. This usually excludes close inshore areas where navigation is not encouraged.

Marine users of Aids to Navigation are invited to contribute to the review by commenting on:

- The usefulness and usability of existing aids to navigation provided by the GLAs
- Any proposed requirement for the provision of new aids to navigation

Comments regarding Aids to Navigation provision around England, Wales and the Channel Islands should be addressed to navigation.directorate@thls.org before 15th March, 2019.

By Order,

Captain R. H. Barker,

Director of Navigational Requirements.

Trinity House,
London, EC3N 4DH
15th January, 2019.