The authorities are now surveying users across a wide variety of sectors to better understand how the Differential GPS service is being used. The Differential GPS service currently provides corrections for GPS (single frequency) only, but the technology is being developed to enable corrections to be provided for all Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), should there be a requirement. The survey results will be used to establish current and future user needs.
In order to ensure that we are well-informed and therefore able to make the best provision for future requirements, we are looking to gather as much user feedback as possible and encourage all users, from all sectors, to complete the survey.
It is important to understand that this is a survey about the Differential GPS service and not GPS / GNSS. More information on the Differential GPS system and related technologies is provided in the annex of the document linked below.
The survey will take about five minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and any identifiable information will be managed in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection laws.
The survey can be completed online at
The survey can be downloaded for offline completion here [PDF]
Survey responses can be provided until 31 December 2018. The survey can be completed online or may be posted to:
Dr Alan Grant, The General Lighthouse Authorities of the UK & Ireland, c/o Trinity House, The Quay, Harwich, CO12 3JW
Alternatively responses can be emailed to
The General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) of the United Kingdom and Ireland are Trinity House, the Northern Lighthouse Board and the Commissioners of Irish Lights. Together, they have the statutory responsibility for the provision of marine aids to navigation around the British Isles. The GLAs' joint mission is the delivery of a reliable, efficient and cost effective aid to navigation service for the benefit and safety of all mariners.
Please visit the following websites for more information
Trinity House:
The Northern Lighthouse Board:
The Commissioners of Irish Lights:
For further information please contact:
Dr Alan Grant, Principal Development Engineer, GLA R&RNAV
The General Lighthouse Authorities of the UK & Ireland, c/o Trinity House, The Quay, Harwich, CO12 3JW